How to Measure Your Vents Correctly
If you’re nervous about choosing the right sized vent, you’re not alone! That’s why we’ve put together this super-simple guide to save you time and stress.
GOOD TO KNOW: All Fittes ultra-minimal floor vents and Fittes seamless wall and ceiling vents come in various sizes. These measurements refer to the base or body of the vent (the part that fits into the duct opening), and not to the edge of the vent.
Selecting the correct vent size is literally as simple as 1, 2, 3…
1) Remove the existing air register or air return cover from your duct, and measure the height and width of the duct opening.
2) Measure it again. Seriously. This could save you a lot of aggravation. There’s a reason for the old DIY adage "measure twice, purchase once"!
3) Match the duct opening size to the closest Fittes vent size.
To make this simple process even more foolproof, follow these handy tips:
DO: Remove your old vent before measuring your duct opening (as in the photo above).
DO: Follow the photo above to measure your duct opening correctly.
What if your duct opening measurements don’t match Fittes vent measurements? Don’t panic. Fittes makes a wide variety of sizes to accommodate most existing vent sizes, but you may have to round up or down slightly to the nearest inch measurement.
Round down measurements of .5” or lower. For example, if your duct opening is 3.5", round down to 3".
Round up measurements of .55” or higher. For example, if your duct opening is 3.75", round up to 4".
DON’T: Measure your old vent (as in the photo above).
This could lead to major measurement inaccuracies! You want to measure the duct opening, not the vent.
DON'T: Leave your old vent in when measuring (as in the photo above).
Once again, this could lead to measurement inaccuracies. Fittes vents do not have the same size or shape of traditional grill vents.
Whether you’re looking for a recessed floor vent or an easy-to-install framed wall vent, find a Fittes vent that fits today. Live your dreams tomorrow.