Best Seller Aria Vent
Bathroom Exhaust Fan Application

Bathroom Exhaust Fan Application

Our Flush Exhaust Mount [Luxe]'s special features and detailed dimensions.

Bathroom Exhaust Fan Application

Our Flush Exhaust Mount [Luxe]'s special features and detailed dimensions.

Modifying Ductwork

Modifying Ductwork

Adjust your poorly cut vent openings using this guide! Check out the Aria Team's advice.

Modifying Ductwork

Adjust your poorly cut vent openings using this guide! Check...

Aria Collection

Aria Collection

Step into the Aria world.  Seamless design with a powerful function. Our updated catalogue; new products for your home.

Aria Collection

Step into the Aria world.  Seamless design with a powerful...

Vents Got The Sweats? - A Guide to Condensation

Vents Got The Sweats? - A Guide to Condensation

Why is there condensation on my vents when I run the A/C?Air condition systems are designed to cool air and reduce moisture. While doing this, sometimes it can generate condensation. Most of the time systems...

Vents Got The Sweats? - A Guide to Co...

Why is there condensation on my vents when I run the A/C?Air condition...

Flush Floor Vent [Lite] vs. Flush Floor Vent [Luxe]

Flush Floor Vent [Lite] vs. Flush Floor Vent [L...

Q. They look the same to me, what’s the difference?A. The Flush Floor Vent [Lite] is our price conscious alternative to the Flush Floor Vent [Luxe]. It's almost exactly the same, except...

Flush Floor Vent [Lite] vs. Flush Flo...

Q. They look the same to me, what’s the difference?A. The...

Aria Lite Vs. Aria OG

Framed OG Floor Vent [Luxe] vs. Framed Floor Ve...

Same, same... but different! All your questions answered: What are the major differences? Which is model is stronger? Why the big price difference?

Framed OG Floor Vent [Luxe] vs. Frame...

Same, same... but different! All your questions answered: What are...

2019 Catalogue

2019 Catalogue

Our annual catalogue featuring the best projects of the year, new products and a little bit about us! Click below to check it out.

2019 Catalogue

Our annual catalogue featuring the best projects of the year,...

Best Practices by Material Types

Best Practices by Material Types

Aria Vent has a solution for every single surface material on the market. Our innovation is that we created a single vent that you customize to match your surface.We provide...

Best Practices by Material Types

Aria Vent has a solution for every single surface material...

Multi-Unit Condominium Conversions Incorporates Heating Vents that Serves Aesthetics and Function

Multi-Unit Condominium Conversions Incorporates...

HRV Homes desired a more aesthetically pleasing vent for their multi-unit condominium conversion. Aria Vent’s patented high-quality air registers met that challenge with its beautiful simplicity and ease of integration...

Multi-Unit Condominium Conversions In...

HRV Homes desired a more aesthetically pleasing vent for their...